Kuy Sothea

Her name is Kuy Sothea, she is 49 years old. She lives in Srey Sampong village. She has a daughter who is a teacher in a school in this village and a daughter who is a factory worker. She told us a lot about this two jobs in Srey Sampong Village. All the teenagers of 17 years old up, they work in the factory and most of the old people are the farmer. Most of the factory workers work at Tamoul and Bakchan that out of their community. In this village, the problems that people face are in this village, there aren’t any ground gutter so that the water can get easily to the house in rainy season. Most of the houses have the toilets. She also told us about a ceremony about this village, which is Da Lean ( a ceremony that all the villager celebrate once a year ). This ceremony celebrates after farming crops session.